
I think about other things besides golf. . . now.


solder 2

“Fighting Genetics!”

That is what my cardiac surgeon said to me.

“You are fighting genetics, Tom.”

I was at my surgery follow-up visit.  As most of you who read my blog already know, I had open heart, quadruple bypass surgery on July 13 this year.

“Fighting genetics” was my cardiologist’s response to one of my questions.  I asked why I had coronary artery blockage, even though I ate well, I exercised, I was not over-weight, nor did I have any of the “normal” risk factors for heart disease.

Basically, he said my risk factor for heart disease was my DNA.  Genetically, he asserted, I was destined to have blocked arteries.

“Fighting Genetics!”

That phrase rattled around in my head as I walked out of his office and into the parking lot.  Maybe I could have done more to ward off heart disease, but I didn’t realize that I was at war with my own DNA.

As it turns out, I am fighting a battle with a doggedly tough opponent.  Those double helix strands that make up my DNA are pretty tough.   At least the DNA molecules that caused my heart disease are tough.   They must be the mean DNA, the rogue DNA, or the “Benedict Arnold” DNA in my genetic make-up.  They are the DNA that turned against me. And those mean traitor-type DNA fight a nasty fight.

(for you scientific readers)

(for you scientific readers) 

As I wandered around the parking lot, searching for my car, I realized that, before my surgery, I was arrogant, at least health-wise.   Because of my perceived good heath, I thought I was going to live a long, long time.   Many times during my exercise routine, I imagined that one day I would be crowned the Oldest Man in the World.  I even had my acceptance speech prepared.

My surgery has humbled me.  Now my life expectancy is much shorter.    And that acceptance speech?   Well, that has been deleted from my lap top!

As I continued my search around the parking lot at my doctor’s office, I caught a glimpse of myself in a car window.  Seeing the glimmering reflection on the top of my head, I now understood that my DNA has been waging war with me for a long time.  The conflict started in high school, when they attacked my full head of shoulder length hair. (Remember, it was the 70’s)   They were like General Sherman marching through the south during the Civil War, destroying wide patches of land.  When my DNA finally claimed victory in this Battle of my Hair, which, by the way, was settled before I reached the age of 30, they had cleared a wide corridor on top of my head!

You get the idea!

You get the idea!

From there, those determined little DNA solders must have marched to my heart.  And for the next 28 years, they quietly and diligently built dams and barriers in my coronary arteries.   They conquered my head, now they were going after my heart.

But this time, they didn’t win.   The Battle of my Heart had a different winner!   Luckily for me, I won!  (With a big thanks to my Cardiology Team.)

victory 1

I don’t know where my DNA army is going to position themselves for the next conflict.  But I intend to be ready.  Now that I know who my enemy really is!

My arsenal is my knowledge.   So I am reading as much as I can about maintaining good health.  Diet and exercise is important, but I am learning that there is so much more I can do.  And, I am eating so much Kale, my urine is turning green!

Nothing is being left to chance.  I am also reading up on tactical warfare, and learning about legendary war heroes like Winston Churchill and George Patton.   Because, as I have alerted my DNA:  This is war!

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill 

George Patton

George Patton

Back in the parking lot, when I finally found my car, (right where I parked it) I had one more epiphany.   My body has been hosting a battle on another front.  Some of my rogue DNA must have taken up residence in the muscles that I use to hit a golf ball.  And I obviously do not have much good golf DNA in my body to offset the rogue DNA.

All these years of agonizing over bad golf shots, and now I know the real reason for my poor golfing ability.

bad golf shot2

It is because I am “fighting genetics!”

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